What Do We Do? | mailorderbrideonline.com

Our main goal is to help people who are interested in online dating find the best platform and meet their soulmates. We can help you by sharing our personal knowledge and experiences since we are a team of enthusiasts who love online communication! Every single member of our team has tried dating online. We have learned a lot, even though we have faced plenty of issues over the years. But we want to help you avoid making the same mistakes we made, which is why mailorderbrideonline.com will help you get the best information regarding online dating sites and best practices about online dating and international communication!

Our sources of revenue

mailorderbrideonline.com is our business and we make money by writing reviews. However, it is important to note that all content on our site is free to use—you don’t need to spend money to get access to any article, guide, or review. We make money differently. mailorderbrideonline.com cooperates with many online dating sites that want to gain more popularity or simply advertise their services. We write detailed reviews and include links to services that we review. That is basically it! We just write honest and detailed articles about sites, where we define their advantages and disadvantages. If you want, you can click on a link and we will get a reward for that. Our main source of revenue is compensation that we receive for each redirect from our review to the website that we analyze. It should be noted that since some sites pay us to review them, the order of the rating can be influenced by that.

How do we write reviews?

Since we have been in the industry of online dating for a few years, we know how to write detailed, informative, and helpful reviews. The whole process includes analysis of numerous sources of information. We conduct surveys, analyze statistical data, gather information from third-party sites, and use the site ourselves to offer you a detailed and brief description.

Criteria of reviews

We usually divide a review into several parts, each as important as the previous. We use stars to define the quality of a certain element, where 1 star is the lowest mark and 5 stars are the best mark. If some criterion is not up to our standards, we can consider a site not suitable for use. Here are these criteria!

Consumers’ feedback and choices

A good dating site should be known among many users. If you see a site with thousands of active members, it is definitely a good site since no one would use a poorly made site in such a highly competitive world of online dating. To gather necessary information, we use sites like Similarweb and Ahrefs that offer us excellent statistical data on the number of users and the retention rates.


We also review plenty of articles and reviews online about a site that we evaluate. If a site has a bad reputation, we try to focus on things that are described to make sure whether it is truthful or not.


A dating site should look good. A decent design and flawless user interface can help newcomers feel less confused with the amount of information, which is why our team of designers makes everything possible to evaluate every single button and form on a site.

Outlook of profiles

Apart from the design, our dating experts review profiles on the site. If a site is good, it should always have plenty of detailed and interesting profiles.


Lastly, we closely analyze the customer services on a site, in order to make sure that you could easily find assistance on a site you want to use.

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